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Enneagram for Spiritual Growth - Couples Small Group 6-Week Study
Introduction to the Enneagram
Welcome and Course Overview
Overview of the The Three Centers (19:33)
Introduction to the Nine Enneagram Personality Patterns (27:58)
Week 1: Introduction to the Contemplative Enneagram
What is the Enneagram?
Contemplative Tour of 9 Habits of Mind
Teaching: The Difference Between Enneagram Psychology and Spirituality (10:09)
Week 1 Homework
Week 2: Spiritual Inquiry. A 3 Centered Relational Practice
Teaching: Coming Home to Ourselves in Relationship (14:04)
Meditation on the Enneagram Cognitive Emotional Habits
Repeating Question explanation (6:58)
Repeating Question Exercise
Neurobiology of Emotions
Week 2 Homework
Week 3. Defense Mechanisms
5 minute meditation: In and down
Teaching: Idealizations, Avoidances, Defense Mechanisms
Teaching: Defense Mechanisms (16:17)
Week 3 Homework
Week 4:. Communication and Giving & Receiving Feedback
Meditation: Defense Mechanism
Teaching: Body Sensations & Emotions (16:11)
Emotion Words
Feeling Words
Teaching: Wrap Up (6:11)
Week 4 Homework
Week 5. Spiritual Presence in Relationship
Spirituality and Relationships: Video + Audio (18:36)
Divine Therapy
Welcoming Practice: Explanation + Meditation (11:58)
LEARN. An Overview of Enneagram Types
Type 1: The Perfectionist (7:41)
Type 2: The Giver (5:24)
Type 3: The Performer (7:08)
Type 4: The Individualist (5:35)
Type 5: The Observer (5:07)
Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic (4:49)
Type 7: The Epicure (5:25)
Type 8: The Protector (8:53)
Type 9: The Mediator (6:55)
PRACTICE. Contemplation / Meditation as a Spiritual Practice
Body Center (Types 8, 9, 1) Guided Meditation
Heart Center (Types 2, 3, 4) Guided Meditation
Head Center (Types 5, 6, 7) Guided Meditation
Type 1 Meditation
Type 2 Meditation
Type 3 Meditation
Type 4 Meditation
Type 5 Meditation
Type 6 Meditation
Type 7 Meditation
Type 8 Meditation
Type 9 Meditation
Pause Practice + Awareness + Accountability Cards for Types 8/9/1
Pause Practice + Awareness + Accountability Cards for Types 2/3/4
Pause + Awareness + Accountability Cards for Types 5/6/7
Bonus Resources
Enneagram and Relationships Booklet
Spirituality and Relationships: Video + Audio
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