

I shared with someone that I am doing a class on the “2nd half of life.” She said, "Just don’t call it that. No one will come.”

Such is the crippling fear of inhabiting our age and 2nd half stages.

While the 2nd half of life can be marked by age related events, it has less to do with age and more to do with developmental hurdles we face at each new stage.

If we protest the experience, disempower ourselves or flee from the experience, we remain stuck in 1st half of life egoic patterns that don't serve 2nd half demands.

Thresholds is designed to create meaningful spaces to LEARN, PRACTICE and INTEGRATE a countercultural way of living in the 2nd half.

Some die never having absorbed the profound wisdom of 2nd Half of Life stages.

When we stand on the current threshold and face it
in all 3 centers,

we open ourselves to embodied transformation.


While the 2nd half of life is a journey home to ourselves,
an intentional group strengthens commitment to this wisdom path
and cultivates aliveness, connectedness and meaning
in the midst of it all.


Join us in 3 ways:

1. Leslie's Substack: Thresholds

2. Weekly Collective Meditation with Leslie or other facilitator

3. Current Thresholds Class

Autumn 2024 Class link LINK below: